Auburn Police Issue Silver Alert

Auburn Police have issued a Sil­ver Alert for a 79-year-old woman who has been miss­ing since Tues­day morn­ing and is believed to be in dan­ger. Car­o­line Carteaux is five-foot-three and weighs 125 pounds. She has brown eyes and gray hair. Carteaux may be in a White 2002 Toy­ota Prius with Indi­ana plate 174FE. Police say there is a red hat sticker on the license plate and a breast can­cer emblem on the rear of the vehi­cle. They also say that Carteaux may be dis­ori­ented and require med­ical assis­tance. Auburn Police say her credit card was used in Colum­bia City on Tues­day and in Indi­anapo­lis on Wednes­day. They say it was also used at a Sub­way restau­rant in South Bend. Any­one with infor­ma­tion is asked to call the Auburn Police Depart­ment at (260) 920‑3200 or 333‑7911

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