Truck Complaints Allege Road Damage & Traffic Violations

In Kun­kle and Madi­son Town­ships, com­plaints about truck traf­fic from the Menards Dis­tri­b­u­tion cen­ter is an ongo­ing issue. Res­i­dents there say the hun­dreds of trucks and employee vehi­cles that daily enter and leave the dis­tri­b­u­tion cen­ter in Hol­i­day City each day are a prob­lem. The Bryan Times reports today that one big issue is the accel­er­ated dete­ri­o­ra­tion of town­ship roads, along with the costs asso­ci­ated with fix­ing them. The dam­age is report­edly caused by semi trucks using town­ship roads instead of Traxler Drive, which was built specif­i­cally to con­nect Menards with Ohio 15. Res­i­dents of the area say they are con­cerned about pub­lic safety and about mul­ti­ple inci­dents of speed­ing, stop sign vio­la­tions and unsafe oper­a­tions by trucks going to and from Menards. The truck­ers how­ever, are not Menards employ­ees, so the com­pany says they are lim­ited in what they can do about it. Sher­iff Steve Towns now plans to increase patrols in the area. Offi­cials are also work­ing with the state of Ohio to get approval to place signs on Ohio 15 direct­ing trucks to Menards via Traxler Drive.

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