A ben­e­fit will be held for the Brown fam­ily this Fri­day, May 10 from 4:30–8 p.m. in the Parish Life Cen­ter at St. Caspar’s Catholic Church in Wauseon.

Sara Brown, a Wauseon School teacher and her hus­band, Chris Brown’s son Abram was born last Novem­ber. When the infant was only ten days old, he was diag­nosed with a rare genetic dis­or­der, of which there are only 50 known cases world­wide.

Sara has taken a leave of absence from her second-grade teach­ing job, and the com­mu­nity is com­ing together to help the Brown fam­ily off­set the stag­gar­ing med­ical costs.

A meal — includ­ing burg­ers, brats, hot dogs, and more — will be avail­able for a free-will dona­tion, and dine-in and carry-out ser­vice is avail­able.

A live auc­tion will be held at 7 p.m., as well as a 50/50 draw­ing, and bid-and-buy gift bas­kets will be avail­able fea­tur­ing every­thing from gourmet foods and Ohio State gear to health and beauty prod­ucts and wine.

Mon­e­tary dona­tions can also be made to the Brown Fam­ily Fund at any F & M Bank branch.

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