On Mon­day, Bryan Police Chief Jeff Arnold told mem­bers of Bryan City Coun­cil that Bryan Patrol­man Corey Bush and a bus dri­ver for the Toledo Area Regional Tran­sit Author­ity, along with three bus pas­sen­gers, saved the lives of a woman who report­edly attempted sui­cide and an uncon­scious man.

The Bryan Times says Arnold just recently learned of the inci­dent that occurred ear­lier in March and that Bush never men­tioned his actions to any­one in the depart­ment.

Bush left a church in Toledo and noticed a bus stopped in front of a home.

That’s where the bus dri­ver and Bush res­cued a woman who had appar­ently hanged her­self on the front porch. Bush report­edly helped lift the woman’s body as the bus dri­ver removed an elec­tri­cal cord from the woman’s neck. The dri­ver then per­formed CPR on the woman while Bush assisted.

Bush then checked inside the home, where he found an unre­spon­sive man.

“Because of Bush’s, the driver’s, and pas­sen­gers’ actions, both peo­ple survived..

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