Bus Crash

A school bus acci­dent Mon­day morn­ing resulted in minor injuries, but police say it’s lucky no one was hurt more seri­ously.

The Bryan Times reports twenty stu­dents were on Millcreek-West Unity Local Schools bus no. 5 yes­ter­day morn­ing when a car ran into the back of the bus.

At least one stu­dent suf­fered minor injuries to one leg, and was treated at the scene and released back to her par­ent.

Police say the bus was being dri­ven by 62 year old Deb­o­rah Con­nally around 7:25 yes­ter­day morn­ing on US-20A, when it stopped in front of a home to pick up a stu­dent.

The High­way Patrol says the red lights were flash­ing and the stop sign was out on the side of the bus at the time.

That’s when 61 year old David Whit­man of Mont­pe­lier, who claimed he never saw the lights, slammed into the right rear of the bus.

The stu­dents were all checked out and no one was seri­ously hurt. Whit­man is being cited.

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