
Sprinfield infrastructure levy to be decided by voters

In Spring­field Town­ship, vot­ers have a bal­lot ques­tion to con­sider in the form of a new, five year 1.5 mill levy to help pay for roads and other infra­sc­ture there. Town­ship offi­cials call it crit­i­cal con­sid­er­ing the loss of fund­ing from the estate tax, which the state elim­i­nated. They say …

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Groundwater study revealed in Bryan

A new ground­wa­ter study pre­sented at the Bryan Board of Pub­lic Affairs meet­ing Tues­day evening increases sig­nif­i­cantly the bound­aries of the City of Bryan’s source water pro­tec­tion area. Bryan Munic­i­pal Util­i­ties con­tracted with Ben­nett & Williams, a con­sult­ing firm, to update the delin­eation of the source water pro­tec­tion area as …

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Absentee voting underway in Williams County

Absen­tee bal­lots are now avail­able at the Williams County Board of Eec­tions on East High Street in Bryan for the Novem­ber 3rd gen­eral elec­tion. Bear in mind that reg­is­tered vot­ers who want to vote absen­tee by mail have to make their appl­ci­a­tion prior to noon Sat­ur­day, Octo­ber 31st. It can …

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Rig driver hurt in crash

A Sher­wood woman was hurt when her rig flipped over. It hap­pened mon­day. Police say 55 year old Denise Mor­gan of 105 East Maple Street was trav­el­ing north­bound on Ohio 49 near Beer Bower Road when her vehi­cle left the road and she tried to get it back on the …

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Fake cash circulating locally

Funny money has appar­ently been float­ing around some area busi­nesses. Napoleon police say they’ve seen a surge of it recently.…most of the fake bills being used are 20’s, 50’s and 100’s. Police say if viewed closely, the bills can be exposed as coun­ter­feit as they have poor print qual­ity. You …

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DC to hold Military and Veterans Appreciation Day

Defi­ance Col­lege will hold a Mil­i­tary and Vet­er­ans Appre­ci­a­tion Day on Sat­ur­day, Oct. 10, at the DC-Manchester foot­ball game. All area vet­er­ans are wel­come and will be admit­ted to the game free with their mil­i­tary ID. Kick-off is at 1:30 p.m. The school is also accept­ing care pack­age dona­tions for …

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Humane Society Urges Neutering

Offi­cials with the Fort Defi­ance Humane Soci­ety are hop­ing that low-cost spay and neuter pro­grams will lead to fewer cats run­ning free in the county. They say that although they have an almost 100-percent suc­cess rate when it comes to adopt­ing dogs, at least 60 per­cent of the cats that …

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Paulding Growth Discussed

Pauld­ing County com­mis­sion­ers met recently and learned of some eco­nomic devel­op­ment issues. The Com­mis­sion­ers met with rep­re­sen­ta­tives of Regional Growth Part­ner­ship Jobs Ohio and Pauld­ing County Eco­nomic Devel­op­ment, and learned that sev­eral area col­leges and uni­ver­si­ties are in the process of form­ing a con­sor­tium to dis­cuss and plan edu­ca­tional pro­grams …

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Quadco Building May Go On The Market

The com­mis­sion­ers from Williams, Defi­ance, Henry and Ful­ton coun­ties are now con­sid­er­ing sell­ing the Quadco Reha­bil­i­ta­tion Cen­ter build­ing in Stryker to Quadco. Accord­ing to the Bryan Times, the deci­sion to take a look at sell­ing the prop­erty comes fol­low­ing recent rule changes from the US Cen­ters for Medicare and Med­ic­aid, …

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Steuben County Rapist Sentenced. Stetler Gets 15 Years

A Steuben County man was sen­tenced on Mon­day to 15 years in prison on a felony rape charge. Orig­i­nally, 54 year old Frank Stetler of the Angola area, had been charged with four felony counts in con­nec­tion with a sex­ual assault that hap­pened last New Years Eve. Stetler was handed …

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