For­mer Henry County Com­mis­sioner Rich Myers has pleaded not guilty to charges relat­ing to the deliv­ery of an eco­nomic loan.

Myers appeared in Henry County Com­mon Pleas Court before Put­nam County Judge Ran­dall Basinger where he pleaded not guilty to two counts of hav­ing an unlaw­ful inter­est in a pub­lic con­tract; and two counts of money laun­der­ing, all felonies. Myers was indicted by a Henry County grand jury ear­lier this month.

Myers also was indicted last Sep­tem­ber by a grand jury on a charge of hav­ing an unlaw­ful inter­est in a pub­lic con­tract, also a felony. He pre­vi­ously pleaded not guilty to that charge.

A hear­ing on any motions has been set for May 31, and a trial date has been set for July 9.

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Mary Louise (Moor) Flynn, 95

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