Dangerous Dog Ordinance Delayed In Wauseon

A third and final read­ing of leg­is­la­tion that would have removed pit bulls’ “vicious” label from the city code in Wauseon, was never held dur­ing Mon­day night’s coun­cil meet­ing, after it was dis­cov­ered the mea­sure hadn’t actu­ally passed on sec­ond read­ing.

The over­sight, accord­ing to the Cres­cent News, was due to coucil’s vote, by a three to two mar­gin last month, in favor of advanc­ing the change, which report­edly failed to reach a major­ity of the six-member coun­cil in favor. There­fore, the leg­is­la­tion never passed at that time.

Now, city offi­cials say they will con­tinue as planned, to hold a joint meet­ing that will include the police chief, county dog war­den and mem­bers of the safety and code com­mit­tee, in an effort to decide how to word the city’s dog ordi­nance.

The orig­i­nal leg­is­la­tion would have amended the city dog ordi­nance to ensure that pit bulls and pit bull mixes are no longer deemed vicious, which would have brought Wauseon in-line with state law.

Ohio did away with breed-specific leg­is­la­tion in 2012.

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