The fig­ures are just com­ing in, and so far, the begin­ning of deer sea­son hasn’t been all that bad for hunters in our area. The Ohio Depart­ment of Nat­ural Resources says North­west Ohio did lit­tle bet­ter than the rest of the state when it comes to the deer har­vest, and Williams County did even bet­ter than the rest of north­west Ohio.

In Williams County 340 deer were har­vested this year, com­pared to 354 in 2012.

Henry County was down though, with only 112 deer this year, com­pared to 123 in 2012. Defi­ance County was down almost 21 per­cent with 269 deer, com­pared to 340 last year. Pauld­ing County was down to 158, com­pared to 191 in 2012, a 17 per­cent drop. Ful­ton County was down about 16 per­cent with 127 this year.

Nat­ural Resources offi­cers say the num­bers over­all how­ever are pretty good, con­sid­er­ing the weather.

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