Fugitive Caught After Attempted Escape

29 year old Tyler Richards, the fugi­tive who escaped from the Bryan Munic­i­pal Court back in March by run­ning from a pro­ba­tion offi­cer even though he had a cast on his leg, has been cap­tured. The Bryan Times reports that Richards was trav­el­ing with his girl­friend, Jen­nifer Elliot of Alvord­ton [All-vor-ton], so deputies staked out the neigh­bor­hood until she passed by, then pulled her over around8PM on Tues­day. Richards tried to hide in the vehi­cle, but he was found. He then tried to run again, but after a chase of about a half mile, he was caught, arrested, and charged with fail­ure to appear. More charges are likely too. Also arrested was his 29 year old girl­friend, who also goes by the name of Jen­nifer Oehler. She was charged with with obstruc­tion. Both were taken to the Cor­rec­tions Cen­ter of North­west Ohio.

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