Handcuffed Defiance teen apprehended on train bridge

A Defi­ance teen was taken into cus­tody after he fled from offi­cers while hand­cuffed. Accord­ing to Police, they were called to the Defi­ance High School just before 2 p.m. Tues­day to help the Defi­ance County Juve­nile Pro­ba­tion with a 16-year-old male being taken into cus­tody for a pro­ba­tion vio­la­tion. While being escorted to a cruiser, the hand­cuffed teen fled on foot. Offi­cers appre­hended him about two hours later on the CSX rail­road bridge, which crosses the Auglaize River. He was threat­en­ing to jump from the bridge. Addi­tional charges are pend­ing. The teen was taken to the North­west Ohio Juve­nile Deten­tion Center.

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