Meth In Auburn

Auburn police found some items com­monly asso­ci­ated with meth use in a plas­tic bag in a park­ing lot on Tues­day.

Auburn Police say a plas­tic garbage bag with Cole­man Fuel, cof­fee fil­ters, stripped lithium bat­ter­ies, plas­tic tub­ing, small bags con­tain­ing white residue, and used syringes with blood residue, was found in a park­ing lot in Auburn.

No sus­pects, accord­ing to police, have yet been arrested, how­ever the inves­ti­ga­tion is ongo­ing and arrests may be announced soon.

Mean­while, cit­i­zens are being asked to call police if they find a sus­pi­cious object that may be related to the use or man­u­fac­ture of meth. Police said if you do find some­thing, do not touch it, leave the area imme­di­ately, and call them right away.

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