ODOT Proposes Closure Of All Intersections On US-24

The Ohio Depart­ment of Trans­porta­tion says it may even­tu­ally close all at-grade inter­sec­tions con­nected to U.S. 24 in Pauld­ing County. ODOT says two of those inter­sec­tions would become over­passes, but the other five would remain closed indef­i­nitely. The news came dur­ing the U.S. 24 cor­ri­dor meet­ing which was held Mon­day at the Pauld­ing County OSU Exten­sion build­ing. ODOT is weigh­ing it’s options as it works towars a long-term plan for the high­way. Right now, that includes plans to make it a lim­ited access high­way, with no inter­changes… just over­passes. But before any final deci­sion is made, state offi­cials want the opin­ions of local emer­gency per­son­nel, as well as school, county and town­ship offi­cials about which two at-grade inter­sec­tions should be made into over­passes. Pub­lic meet­ings are planed to be held to go over the pro­posed changes.

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