Ohio Kids Show Great Reading Skills

Accord­ing to sta­tis­tics released last week by the State Depart­ment of Edu­ca­tion, almost 90 per­cent of third-graders in Ohio have earned high enough scores on school read­ing assess­ments to advance to the fourth grade.

A total of 105,681 pub­lic school stu­dents out of 119,393 total statewide and 5,878 char­ter stu­dents out of 8,234 met the new third grade read­ing guar­an­tee, a total of 88.5 per­cent and 71.4 per­cent, respec­tively.

That’s up from about 63 per­cent for all pub­lic and char­ter school stu­dents who took the read­ing tests in the fall.

Twenty dis­tricts reported all of their stu­dents met the test­ing require­ment, includ­ing Ayersville Local in Defi­ance County, Stryker Local and Edger­ton Local in Williams County, Ottoville Local and Kalida Local in Put­nam County, Antwerp Local in Pauld­ing County, and Hol­gate Local in Henry County.

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