If you like ribs, then hope­fully you didn’t miss this past weekend’s Rib Fest in Defi­ance.

Down­town Defi­ance was the place to be for rib-lovers dur­ing the city’s fifth annual rib fest on Sat­ur­day.

Saturday’s fes­ti­val was spon­sored by The State Bank and Gen­eral Motors, and fea­tured local food ven­dors and musi­cal groups.

Winner’s at this year’s rib fest included the Black Lantern — which won the judge’s choice — and the Defi­ance Fire Depart­ment — which was selected as the “people’s choice” win­ner for the fifth year in a row.

Esti­mates put the num­ber attend­ing at between 5,000 and 6,000 peo­ple.

The weather was great. The Defi­ance Fire Depart­ment says they went through 650 pounds of ribs this year and 75 pounds of pulled pork.

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