Snow Days Complicate School Schedules

It looks like a lot of local kids will have a short­ened sum­mer vaca­tion this year due to all the win­ter weather we’ve had so far.

Accord­ing to the Bryan Times, Stryker Local Schools have eaten up five calamity days and two of their three Bliz­zard Bag days.

North Cen­tral Local Schools, in an effort to con­serve those kind of days, have offi­cials up before the crack of dawn each morn­ing check­ing on road con­di­tions in order to make a deci­sion before dis­trict busses hit the roads begin­ning at 6:30.

The same strat­egy is used by offi­cials at Mont­pe­lier Exempted Vil­lage Schools

All school dis­trict offi­cials in our area are doing their best to bal­ance the safety of chil­dren and employ­ees with the need to com­plete the school year in time.

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