Ten people arrested in wide drug sweep

Ten peo­ple were arrested Tues­day after the Multi-Area Nar­cotics Task Force exe­cuted search war­rants stem­ming from drug inves­ti­ga­tions through Ful­ton County.
Over 10 area agen­cies assisted in round­ing up the sus­pects, who all were indicted by the grand jury in Ful­ton County after the cases were pre­sented to Ful­ton County Pros­e­cu­tor Scott Hasel­man. The sus­pects range in age from 20 to 68 years old.
Here are those arrested:
Ada Shaver, 43, Delta, pos­ses­sion of heroin, fifth-degree felony;
Sadie Shaver, 21, Delta, pos­ses­sion of heroin, fifth-degree felony;
Dayvon Boston, 21, Toledo, traf­fick­ing in heroin, fifth-degree felony;
Shawn O’Leary, 29, Lyons, pos­ses­sion of heroin, fifth-degree felony;
Henry Marksch IV, 27, Arch­bold, two counts of pos­ses­sion of heroin, fifth degree felonies;
Ian Ruf­fer, 26, Wauseon, aggra­vated traf­fick­ing in drugs, a fourth degree felony;
Thomas Green, 20, Delta, traf­fick­ing in mar­i­juana, fifth-degree felony;
Jacob Olson, 24, address unavail­able, traf­fick­ing in heroin, fifth-degree felony;
Gale Dickey, 41, address unavail­able, traf­fick­ing in drugs, second-degree felony;
and Michael Dominique, 68, Fayette, ille­gal cul­ti­va­tion of mar­i­juana, a fifth-degree felony.

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