

Williams County sales tax rev­enue is down for the first quar­ter of 2013. Accord­ing to what County Audi­tor report­edly told the Bryan Times, the county col­lected 0.2% less than it did dur­ing the same period last year. It’s not really a big deal when you look at the actual num­bers. …

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Flood­ing was a prob­lem in many areas over the week­end. Crews has to assist sev­eral peo­ple in get­ting out of their homes on Sat­ur­day. Put­nam County Sheriff’s offi­cers assisted res­i­dents located on West Third and West Main streets in Ottawa in get­ting out of their res­i­dences by using a Humvee. …

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It’s taken years of plan­ning and lots of hard work, but finally, The Ful­ton County 9–11 Memo­r­ial Com­mit­tee broke ground for a new memo­r­ial at the Ful­ton County Fair­grounds on Sun­day. The 12 foot steel beam from the World Trade Cen­ter will be on dis­play at that memo­r­ial. County offi­cials …

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The Williams County Sher­iffs Office is inves­ti­gat­ing sev­eral thefts that were reported last week. Near Edon the Sher­iffs Office says some­one entered a barn stole a mower with a 60 inch deck val­ued at $5,000. Near Pio­neer some­one broke into a barn there and took an A.T.V. worth $1,000. Any­one …

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Williams Commissioners Open Bids

Williams County Com­mis­sion­ers opened four bids Thurs­day after­noon for the pro­posed East Annex project. The Bryan Times says the job will involve ren­o­va­tion of the for­mer Miller’s New Mar­ket gro­cery store, con­vert­ing it to county office space. Fet­ters Con­struc­tion of Auburn sub­mit­ted a total bid of $4,738,000. Mid­west Con­struc­tion Inc. …

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West Unity Gets New Police Cruiser

West Unity Police have some new wheels. At Thursday’s West Unity Vil­lage Coun­cil meet­ing, coun­cil mem­bers were told by the police chief that the village’s new police car has been received and will be put into ser­vice right away. It’s a brand new 2013 Dodge Charger police cruiser. The old …

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Severe Weather

Severe weather moved through our region, send­ing one area man to the hos­pi­tal after a light­ning strike. Three men were work­ing on a vehi­cle in a garage on Ful­ton County Road D when light­ning struck nearby. One of those men was injured and taken to an area hos­pi­tal. Offi­cials are …

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Chief Pharmacy No More

The Chief Phar­macy and Well­ness Cen­ter in Defi­ance called it quits yes­ter­day. Chief Super­mar­kets is sell­ing out the phar­macy to Rite Aid, fol­low­ing a deci­sion to move away from the phar­macy busi­ness in order to con­cen­trate on food. Chief Super­mar­kets also owns Rays Super­mar­kets. Rays Super­mar­kets had three phar­macy loca­tions …

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Napoleon Accepts Resignations

The retire­ment res­ig­na­tions of four teach­ers have been accepted by the Napoleon Area Schools Board of Edu­ca­tion. Linda Daugh­erty; Ruth Ader­man; Jeanne West­hoven; and Kathy Ver­nace all will retire effec­tive June 1. Ader­man has served the dis­trict for 23 years, West­hoven for 22 years, Ver­nace for 21 years and Daugh­erty …

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Bryan Police were called to an apart­ment Tues­day evening. 20 year old Bayle Hill of 617 South Main Street, Apart­ment C in Bryan was arrested there and charged with under­age con­sump­tion and dis­or­derly con­duct. Hill was locked up at CCNO.

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