The Board of Edu­ca­tion at Millcreek-West Unity Local Schools unan­i­mously elected at last night’s meet­ing, to bring back its school resource offi­cer for the com­ing school year.
The posi­tion was cre­ated in Jan­u­ary of the 2012–13 school year, and the offi­cer is pro­vided by the vil­lage of West Unity Police.
Accord­ing to the Bryan Times, that offi­cer has mul­ti­ple respon­si­bil­i­ties beyond the safety of those within the school build­ing, includ­ing serv­ing as an adviser for the school’s anti-bullying cam­paign and coun­sel­ing older stu­dents.
The offi­cer will be paid $32,143.23 this com­ing school year.

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